Post Operative Instructions for Dental Implants

  • Take antibiotics as directed.
  • Take simple pain relief as required.
  • Use the recommended mouthwash the day after surgery four times a day until the stitches are removed. Rinse for a full 2 minutes.
  • Some swelling, pain and occasional bruising is normal after surgery. Sometimes after implants are placed in the upper jaw, there may be a little bit of nose bleeding for a day or two.
  • Place an ice-pack over the face as soon as possible after surgery to minimize swelling.
  • For the first night after surgery, sleep with your head slightly elevated. It will help to reduce swelling.
  • If bleeding occurs, use a folded piece of gauze and bite down firmly for 10-30 minutes.
  • Do not brush the surgical area for the first week post surgery.
  • Avoid lifting your lip or cheek out of curiosity as you may loosen the stitches.
  • Avoid chewing on the surgical area for 2 weeks. Eat soft food for the first 5 days.
  • Rest and avoid exercise for the next 3 days.
  • Stitches will be removed and healing reviewed at the next appointment in 10 days’ time.
  • If you are a smoker, you must not smoke for at least one week prior to the surgery and you must not smoke for at least two months after surgery. Failure to follow this instruction doubles the risk of implant failure and wound infection.
  • If a healing abutment or any piece from the dental work becomes loose, please contact us immediately. If you are unsure of anything, please give us a call.
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